Manic Monday: Coffee Date


YES!  It’s MONDAY!  I know, not many of us get excited about Monday but I am!  My love is taking me out on a date (coffee and conversation) and I can’t wait!

While you are waiting for Monday to pass here are a few things to read…

  • We keep our focus and eyes on Jesus and not on our trials. That is how we can share the love of God with others rather than wallowing in our own problems. Mom Life Today
  • Is the kindness I show to others based on how they treat me or am I able to return a smile for an insult? And not the kind of sarcastic smile I can give when I’m annoyed either. A genuine, “I’ll love you anyways” smile. Grace. Destiny In Bloom
  • We may have many earthly identities: single, married, wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister, butcher, baker, candlestick-maker, etc. etc. However, there is a wider and deeper reality than all of this: A Christian woman is in union with Christ. A Christian woman is in Christ. THAT is our objective reality. It is Christ who defines person-hood. Gospel Grace


Enjoy your monday!

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